TOEFL Strategies For Speaking Section
The speaking section in TOEFL tests your communicating skills, your active participation in the discussion and your clarity in decision making. Applying right strategies to excel in this section is very important. The following are the strategies for speaking section in TOEFL.
- Develop Vocabulary Skills Systematically
Devoting time to list new words and to practice it more for using it in writing and speaking will automatically improve your communication skills.
- Speak A Lot
Even though you may practice writing also, without speaking you will not be able to make it on the test day for fluency. Being fluent is very important for this test section in TOEFL. The fear of making mistakes should not stop you from improving in speaking skills. The practice gets better when you talk to people whose native language is English. If you do not find people to converse, speak to your reflection in mirror to improve your speaking skills. That is better than not speaking at all. Think aloud and speak aloud to portray your thoughts.
- Think English
Think more in English rather than translating from your native language to English. Practicing the commonly used English phrases will improve your vocabulary skills and you can add up short phrases to make complete sentences. This approach makes you it easier to speak in English just like your native language.
- Work On Building Fluency
Listening to the study material and practicing it aloud is very advantageous for improving fluency. So do it often.
- Usage Of Idioms
Using idioms is also one of the good signs for developing fluency. But using it appropriately is what matters a lot.
- Expertise In English Grammar
Prioritize the practice of English grammar which is the basic necessity for the communication skills.
Resolve Pronunciation Issues
It is very important to sound natural while speaking. Pay attention to the pronunciation of words, words which needs to be stressed to pronounce, different patterns and sounds of words.
- Organizing The Layout Of the Speech
In TOEFL speaking section, you will be given 15 seconds to think before you provide answers by speaking. It is very important to organize the given time to plan what you will speak and organize the points in a paper. Note down important phrases which you will use in the speech and prepare a rough layout of the answers you would give.
- Record The Practice Speeches
By recording the past and new practice speeches and listening to it, you can judge your performance and the pros and cons of it.
- Getting Feedback From Experienced Teachers
The experienced teachers of TOEFL will be able to suggest tips on improvement by giving valuable feedback which will help you to overcome the flaws and build your strengths.
- List Familiar Topics
In independent task, you will be asked to describe the given topic and you should state your personal ideas, therefore practice as much as possible on familiar topic about any place, person, event etc.
- Summarize The Important Points
In the integrated task, it is necessary you listen appropriately to the information given to you from different sources. So it’s important to understand and summarize the points to answer the questions.TIPS FOR TEST DAY
- During the test it is common to get distracted from other test takers speech. Therefore concentrate on the instructions and lectures given to you and not on get distracted by the noise around you.
- Managing time becomes very crucial in this section. Use the preparation time and response time effectively to give the required results.
- Be confident when you speak, it is not wrong to make mistakes but correcting it immediately also matters a lot.
- Using appropriate phrases and linking words in the speaking section is more effective and will help the listener to understand your flow of thoughts.
It is important to keep the audience captivated when you are giving the response and it is not a tedious task when the strategies are used in a right way and right time. So plan well ahead and get prepared to welcome the success.
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