TOEFL Speaking Syllabus
The speaking section of TOEFL tests the test takers speaking abilities when varieties of topics are given and it also tests the information organizing skills of the candidates. Expressing the ideas in an effective way is very important. If the ideas expressed do not have clarity then it may leave space for many misconceptions. The interviewers expect a very high intellectual and sustained conversation. So it becomes very important that you present yourself confidently.
Format Of Speaking Section
The speaking section totally consists of 6 tasks. The total time allotted for this section is 20 minutes. The tasks are divided in two segments. They are:
Independent Tasks
As the name recommends, this task expects the test takers to provide responses which will be based on their personal opinions and experiences. The advantage in this is, the test takers can prove themselves by expressing their personal views and ideas on the topics given to them. The answers given should be logical and comprehensible. The topics given can be about famous places, people or any social events also. This segment will have 2 tasks and both the tasks will have one question each. 15 seconds will be given as preparation time to organize your answers and 45 seconds is the time you get for providing response.
Integrated Tasks
This segment has 4 tasks and one question for each task. It will be based on listening, reading and then speaking.
The first 2 tasks the test takers will be asked to read a passage and will be given a piece of conversation to listen which will be related to the passage given previously. The preparation time given is 30 seconds for each question and 45 second to respond to each question. The response given should be based on reading and listening to the given passage. It is important that the answers given should include valid reasonable examples. The topics in this task can be general or academic also.
In the next 2 tasks, instructions are given to test takers to listen to the conversation given and then provide responses to it. The conversation can be related to issues of campus or student issues. The preparation time for each question is 20 seconds and the response time will be 60 seconds for each question.
The Test Takers are Tested for the Following Purposes in this Speaking Section of TOEFL:
Ability to merge and summarize the information which was read in textbooks and heard from outside sources.
Ability to provide the personal opinion in an organized approach after analyzing the given information.
Clarity in speech and the flow of information with no major mistakes in pronunciation.
Effective usage of vocabulary and grammar.
Ability to organize the ideas in an effective manner and providing valid examples which supports the given answers.
Note: The test takers have an advantage as the note-taking is allowed in the test. This will be useful as the candidates can organize their ideas by noting down the important phrases to be used while providing responses.
It is very important to get your speaking skills right to survive in a place where English is the native language. Being fluent in speaking is very important to build confidence and to respond to others. So practice your speaking skills more and you will gradually realize that improving pronunciation skills by linking words becomes easier.
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