New Zealand has several prestigious universities that offer world class degrees and courses. To know more about the university admission procedure in the universities of New Zealand, read the following article.

University Admission in New Zealand

Every student has a dream to study in a foreign country in a prestigious university. While United States and United Kingdom are two of the topmost countries for education, Japan, Australia and New Zealand are too in the league of being vital destinations for studying abroad. New Zealand is one of the few countries which not only famous for its scenic beauty but is also known for its prestigious universities. Every year thousands of international students flock to these esteemed universities to study different courses. Students, who cannot afford the high expenses of Harvard and Oxford, can take admissions here with relatively low course fees. Just like other countries, New Zealand too requires the students to through the admission process. This procedure includes applying for colleges, filling forms with required documents and qualifying in the necessary English tests. Every international student has to follow some guidelines to secure his/her admission in the choice of course. It is advised that students should start the admission procedure by submitting the applications to the concerned university at least two months before the study programs commence. Students should also look for various scholarships or financial aid schemes available. Read further to know the complete admission procedure for taking a study course in your choice of university in New Zealand.
University Admission in New Zealand
Application Forms
Send your enquiries at least 8 to 12 months before the proposed date of admission. You get application in three ways:
  • Requesting application forms via email: You can choose to request application forms from the respective university websites. Most of the universities have an online-form on their website which can be completed online to request application material.
  • Downloading from the net: As several universities have offered downloadable and ready to print versions of their application forms on their websites. You can download them and used them for applying.
  • Collect forms from university representatives: Many New Zealand universities have their representatives present in several major cities across the world. You can directly contact agents/representatives for application forms and can also seek application guidance from them.
To apply for admission for the postgraduate studies in universities in New Zealand, students must have a completed bachelor degree in the relevant field, from a recognized institution of university. For instance, many New Zealand universities accept the Indian graduation system of three years for entry into most postgraduate courses. Some courses and universities may ask for a qualification equivalent to New Zealand Bachelor (Honors) Degree, which requires 16 years of formal education. This could be similar having a four year degree course like B.E., B. Tech or other such courses.
Application Requirements
University Academic Transcripts         
  • You need to present complete details of your education including your course subjects and grades in the applications. Remember to carry transcripts or official records of your previous academic qualifications that can be crucial for your application.
  • Students who are applying for admission need to submit an official transcript from each college or university that they have attended after secondary school, with full details of the subjects, credits involved and other details like correspondence courses, diplomas etc.
  • Most of universities in New Zealand ask for the transcript to be sealed in an envelope and duly signed and attested across the seal by the registrar. You need to repeat this procedure for each and every college that you have attended. Some universities may even ask for more than one transcript, but in general they restrict it to only one.
  • If the original documents or transcripts are not in English, you will require copies and a good English translation to enclose with the application. The sent documents should be certified as true copies by a notary public, or a solicitor, or a commissioner of oaths, or an official of the institution that issued the document.
Evidence of Graduation  
  • As proof of your graduation, you would need to show copies of your first degree certificate. The given certificate should either be in original or as a certified true copy.
  • The produced documents should be certified as true copies by a notary public, or a solicitor, or a commissioner of oaths, or an official of the institution that issued the document.
English Language Tests 
Knowledge of English is must for studying in New Zealand. If the applying student is not proficient in English, he is required to take the IELTS (International English Testing System). Every institute or university has its own minimum scores with respect to this test.
  • IELTS: For most of the courses and institutes in New Zealand, international students are required to take IELTS, which is regularly governed by the British Council. A minimum score of 6.5 in IELTS is usually required by most institutes.
  • If any student fails to get the minimum score required by the institute, he/she will have to undertake a 3 to 9 month bridging course in English at the institute before the start of the chosen program of study. Some universities in New Zealand may accept TOEFL scores instead of IELTS score.
Work History          
  • In case you are applying for professional and vocational courses, then you may require relevant work experience. For instance, many MBA’s or Master’s courses in Information Studies ask for at least a couple of years’ work experience. Keep in mind that most of New Zealand universities are quite strict about working criteria.
  • You will also need to present a detailed resume as an important part of your application. It should include all the information regarding your professional work experience along with the details like positions held, achievements and range of work.
Letter of Recommendation
  • Letter of reference or recommendation letter can play a very pivotal role in your admission process. It should be from someone who has previously taught you in some course or someone with whom you have worked. It should include your positive and negative qualities along with presenting your strengths and other such information.
  • The letter of reference must have details like the position of the teacher, duration of the acquaintance between you and him/her. He/she should also briefly mention the need, importance and usefulness of the study the applicant proposes to undertake.

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