In Mexico, educational institutes provide bilingual education at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Know more about the education system in Mexico in the following article.
Education System in Mexico
Mexico is among the largest economies in the world and has emerged as a strong regional player. The country’s thriving economic development owes to the efficient education system of the country. Every year, the government spends billions of dollars to ensure that high quality education is provided to the students. All the courses and study programs in Mexico are regulated and formulated by the Secretariat of Public Education. The educational system of Mexico consists of three levels, which are basic, secondary and higher education. Basic education is further divided into stages like preschool, primary and lower secondary school. Preschool education generally begins at the age of three and is free in Mexico. Primary education is compulsory in Mexico. Mexican institutes are known for providing world-class bilingual education at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Higher education in Mexico consists of nearly 2000 institutes that provide quality education. The higher education system of Mexico closely follows the US education model. The Mexican structure of university education also closely resembles the Bologna Process. Read further to know more about the education system in Mexico.
School Education
The basic school education includes preschool, primary school and lower secondary school. The preschool education lasts for 2 years from age 3 to 5. The primary school is mandatory by law of Mexico and includes grades 1-6, when the student's age is 6 to 12 years old. Junior high school includes grades 7-9 when the student's age is 12 to 15 years old.
High School
High school in Mexico generally corresponds to preparatoria or bachillerato, and consists of grades 10-12, when the student is between 15 to 18 years old. At this level, students have choice to choose between two main kinds of high school programmes: SEP Incorporated Program and University Incorporated Program. Preparatoria provides three years of education and the course of study is divided into six semesters. The initial semesters have a common curriculum, whereas the latter ones allow some degree of specialization, which could be in physical sciences like electricity and chemistry or social sciences like commerce and philosophy. These types of institutions provide a three-year education program that train and prepare the student with knowledge to continue studying at a university. Contrasting to this, bachillerato are the institutions that provide vocational training, in two or three years, so the graduate student can get a job as a skilled worker.
University Education in Mexico
In Mexico, both professional and bachelor’s degrees are awarded at university level. Professional degrees allow students to work with more practical skills and sessions. The bachelor’s degree in Mexican universities generally takes minimum of 4 years to complete and consists of 8 semesters with 2 semesters for every year. The final grade performance at the higher secondary level decides the admissions to undergraduate degrees.
The graduate courses in Mexican universities take a minimum of 2 years to complete and may include internship and master thesis in case of masters and professional degrees. Generally, all the public institutions and the recognized private institutions can provide graduate courses in Mexico. After completing master's degree, graduates can either work or take up advanced studies.
In Mexico, doctoral degrees are offered by technological universities and research institutions and usually last for a minimum of 3 to 5 years, depending upon the level and institution. Doctoral courses in Mexican universities are of two types, one is the doctoral course given by the university carrying certain mandatory course work along with the final mandatory thesis, whereas the other type of degree is completely research oriented without any coursework. The latter type of degree is generally provided by research institutions and institutes which also include individual research.
Study Abroad in Mexico
Study Abroad
Mexico has a considerable international population, which has influenced the educational system in the country with the presence of numerous American schools and colleges along with German schools. A large number of international students study at the Mexican universities, either in English or in Spanish. There are wide range of short term and summer courses available for international students.
Summer Programs
Mexican institutes provide a wide range of summer programs for foreign students. These programs usually last for 2 or 3 months. Apart from universities and colleges, there are plenty of training institutes and language schools that offer summer courses. The summer programs are generally scheduled during months of July and September.
Learning language
Spanish is the official language of Mexico and medium of instruction in nearly all of study programs, however there are several courses available in English. To live comfortably in Mexico, one should learn Spanish even if studying in English.
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Mexico houses several companies, each of which provides amazing individual growth opportunities. Read further to know more about internship programs in Mexico.
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There are several globally recognized business schools in Mexico that provide world-class MBA programs. Read the following article to know more about MBA programs in Mexico.
Universities of Mexico are known for providing high quality postgraduate courses. Read more about the Masters Degree in detail in the following article.
Universities of Mexico are offering wide range of undergraduate courses in various disciplines. Read the following article to know more about the undergraduate programs in Mexico.
Are you interested in studying in a Mexican university and want to know about the admission procedure? Read the following article to know the process of university admission in Mexico.
Education costs of various courses in Mexican institutes are comparatively lower than other western countries. In the following article, read more about the cost of studying in Mexico.
Student visa is necessary for students, interested in study programs in Mexican universities. Read more about the requirements for student visa for Mexico in the following article.